
2024 project

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This document descirbes the backfill process implemented for this project.

Backfill is a way to “fill the gap” where data is either missing, corrupt or arriving late.

There are two places in the data pipeline where we can apply backfilling.

Github Pipeline Daily Report Backfill

The first place is where we create daily report csv file using Github Pipeline. In the event when we need to re-generate the daily csv file, we can manually trigger a pipeline run for the specific execution date.

In the following example, the processing data is 2024-03-25.

github backfill

When pipeline job finished, we can see the csv file landed on GCP Cloud Storage bucket under prefix daily/2024/03/25.

github backfill 2

Mage Backfill

The second place is where we ingest daily csv file into Mage pipeline’s Data Loader job called ingest from cloud storage.

In the following example, both Start and End date and time are set to 2024-03-25 to backfill the previous day which is 2024-03-24.

mage backfill 1

When pipeline starts running

mage backfill 2

Some blocks finished,

mage backfill 3

All blocks finished

mage backfill 4

Backfill finished successfully

mage backfill 5